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A member registered Aug 29, 2019

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Hey not sure if you’d be interested in helping me out with one of my projects or you have an idea of your own you’d like to work on. Or if you want to just spitball some ideas, I’m also a writer trying to find something to work on. If you want to add me on discord my user name is ebetts44#7604

Sent you a friend request on Discord, thanks! 

(1 edit)

Looking for all creative types, anyone from programmers, artists to other writers looking to just bounce ideas around. If you have a project in mind or need assistance with anything I’d love to offer any help I can provide. I also have a few story ideas of my own. If you want to contact me hit me up on here or send me a friend request on discord ebetts44#7604.

Hey, I’d love to help out with whatever I can or as you said just throw around some ideas. I’m a writer and who knows maybe I could keep your creative friend’s well of ideas from running dry. I have an idea or two for a visual novel that  might be fun to get off the ground. A high school, sci-fi horror type thing. Let me know if you want to talk more on discord or something and I can shoot you some more details or chat about other projects.